About Our Website

Welcome to our website.

If you don’t see what you need, please try entering a keyword or two in the site search box (top right corner of any page).

Please use this form to submit your feedback, requests, and suggestions for the future development of the site. We will correct errors as quickly as we can.

Please keep the site up to date with your submissions:

 Add calendar items and request room booking requests) using this form.

 Send News & Views items, Photos, and information about church committee work, projects, and events to communications@uucharlottesville.org.

 Send contributions to the Monthly Bulletin, Weekly Update, and Order of Service to Wendy Steeves. Some of the items from these publications will also appear in the website’s News section.

This website is not fixed and final. We view it as a joyful work in progress and welcome your help and suggestions.

—–Achsah Carrier, Holly Dilatush, & Kimberly Knotts, Communications Task Force



Deborah Rose
This website is dedicated to the loving memory of Deborah Sherley Rose.
Her vision made it possible.

“I say that love is the meaning of life.  The receiving of love is a benefit and the giving of love is a calling … I view my purpose in life as a calling to live in love , even if others were not to love me.  
I must give love … to a spouse, to a congregation, and to all of God’s creatures.”
