New Volunteer Opportunities!
There are several volunteer “jobs” ready for the taking. If you like gardening and landscaping, working in the soil with like-minded people, organizing workdays, and enjoying the outdoors consider becoming the Gardens and Grounds Committee Chair. The Gardens and Grounds Committee oversees the care and maintenance of the campus grounds. The chair organizes committee meetings and workdays, and coordinates contracted work with the Director of Administration and Finance. This is also an opportunity for co-chairs if you want to share the fun with someone else. Interested in learning more? Contact John at grounds@uucharlottesville.org

If your cup of tea is indoors, computer-oriented, and you like detailed/task driven work consider becoming part of the Congregational Data Stewards Team. The team consists of a Breeze Super User and a Congregational Pledge Minder, formally known as the Pledge Tracker. Sounds daunting? Not really. The work can easily be divided into a team of 2-4 people with flexibility in volunteer hours. Sound interesting?
Click here for more detailed descriptions of the volunteer positions or contact the Stewardship Steering Committee at ssc@uucharlottesville.org
Yard Sale donations are arriving daily (thank you all!) and one of the most donated items are linens – so we are in serious need of two (or even one!) persons that can measure and mark the linens. No experience necessary – just need two arms and a measuring tape (actually, we can provide the measuring tape). We will be eternally grateful – and you will be part of a fun team of yard sale volunteers!
Yard Sale is schedule for Saturday August 24th, 2024 .
Contact us if you want to be part of the fun, or just turn up on Tuesday or Saturday mornings. Email yardsale@uucharlottesville.org with questions.
Our Communications team is looking for more volunteers to help manage our website and social media and to help reach out to our congregation and the wider community. Do you know something about WordPress, social media, or marketing? Please join us.