New Director of Administration and Finance

Hello TJMC-UU family! My name is Sean Skally and I am your new Director of Administration and Finance. First, I want to express my gratitude and thanks to the Board of Trustees for hiring me. I hope to live up to the time and effort they put in to hiring for this position.

Now I’m sure you are curious about me so I will do my best to give enough information without boring you. The most important thing about me that I would like you to know is that I promise to serve the TJMC-UU congregation to my fullest ability. I have over 20 years of management experience where I specialized in cost efficiency and payroll budgeting. I will use my experience and abilities to deliver the best UU church experience that your invaluable pledges, donations, and fundraising can provide.

My wife Laura, and two daughters Shannon (12) and Meghan (10), and I have been members of the Waynesboro UU. We are overjoyed to be a part of this church and its substantial religious education program. We are also excited to meet all of you at upcoming service and events. I have not met very many of you yet, but those who I have had interactions with have been warm and welcoming.

I wish to thank the staff of TJMC-UU who have treated me with kindness during this transition. I already feel at home here. Working in the corporate environment for so long can leave you feeling disconnected from your job, but here the mutual respect and caring of people who genuinely love what they do is inspiring.

Lastly, I want to thank Christina Rivera for her patience and expertise while training me. In our limited time together, I know she has only been able to impart a small fraction of her wisdom and expertise upon me, yet she has proficiently taught me the job and has set me up for success. I feel ready to take on the challenges of my new role.

You can contact me by email: or by phone 434-293-8179 ext #6 during my office hours Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am to 4 pm.

Thank you all for your time, and I look forward to our future together.

Sean Skally
Director of Administration and Finance TJMC-UU