The UUCville Board of Trustees is thrilled to announce that we have hired the Reverend Tim Temerson to be our Developmental Minister starting in August 2022! Rev. Tim impressed the search committee with his passion for Unitarian Universalist principles and values, his wisdom and experience with stewardship, his commitment to anti-racism and anti-oppression work, his deep interest in religious education, and most of all his vision of collaboration in all parts of ministry.
We are delighted to welcome Rev. Tim and we look forward to starting our time together!
Pam McIntire
President, Board of Trustees
You can read more about Rev. Tim on his website: https://uurevtim.weebly.com/
Rev. Time will begin at UUCVille on August 1, 2022. He will take on the role of Lead Minister, as Rev. Linda departs, and he is joining the current staff team – Rev. Leia Durland-Jones, Minister of Faith Development; Sean Skally, Director of Administration and Finance; Scott DeVeaux, Director of Music; Caroline Heins, Faith Development Assistant; Leigha Rae, Office Assistant.
We give thanks to our Developmental Minister Search Committee members — Pam McIntire (board representative), Kim Curtis, Ann Salamini, Liberty Powers, Larry Moulis, and Chris Little — for their hard work, time, dedication, and commitment to finding a good ministerial match for our congregation.
Stay tuned for chances to meet Rev. Tim sometime this Spring.