New Composting Bins!

The UUCville Environmental Ministry Committee has recently placed composting bins in the social hall during social hour. We hope you will help out our dear Earth by using them. When you compost, either here at UUC’ville or at home, you are returning to the Earth an important gift as the composting process turns our waste into fertile soil that can help the Earth’s plants and trees grow.

To start composting at home:

Check out the City of Charlottesville composting program which includes city drop off sites as well as areas where compost pick up is available.

For Albemarle & City residents, the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority has a food waste composting program at McIntire Recycling Center and Ivy MUC. Compostable food waste from households is accepted in compostable bags; complimentary bags are offered to users of this program at the McIntire or Ivy MUC composting kiosks.

A sincere thank you from the Earth for your consideration in this matter!