Janice Walker Artist Statement
I make art for the challenge of seeing what I can do next with my palette of commercially printed fabrics. The originally designed works are sewn using a process similar to quilting, but are made to hang on the wall like fine art. After the initial design is constructed, I sometimes add additional color and texture with a variety of threads, machine or hand stitching, and sometimes embellishments. Nearly twenty years in, I am still in the midst of a creative exploration of the possibilities of a medium not usually part of our culture’s art heritage.
Nature is often my inspiration, but many times the fabric insists on being put together in ways abstract or unusual. Some of these pieces were made as my response to a challenge by the local Fiber and Stitch Art Collective (FSAC), of which I am a member.
I have been part of shows we have exhibited at the Create Gallery at Indoor Biotechnologies, the Gallery at Westminster Canterbury, IX Gallery as well as other locations in Charlottesville. We have also put on shows at the Virginia Quilt Museum, Piedmont Art Museum, the International Quilt Festival in Houston, the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, and most recently at the Community Art Gallery at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond.
I am open to negotiate commissions based on my ideas or yours. Contact me at art@uucharlottesville.org
“Taking Off”
Fabric 14 x 16.75 $280.00
“Life Spans”
Fabric 22.5 x 30.25 $500.00
“When Will We Learn”
Fabric 25 X 28 $725.00
“Van Gogh Picassoed”
Fabric 27 X 27 $725.00
“Redbud in Bloom”
Fabric 24.5 X 30 NFS
Fabric 21 X 19 NFS
“Hanging Garden”
Fabric 33 X 31.5 $ 880.00
“A New Day is Coming”
Fabric 27 X 30 $725.00
“Slot Canyon Sunrise”
Fabric 31 X 20.5 $ 725.00
“Chalice Everyone” Fabric 14.25 X 14 $55.00
(approx. 10X16), $55.00
“Chalice Nature” SOLD
Fabric 14.25 X 14 $55.00
“Chalice Pride”
Fabric 14.25 X 14.25 $55.00
Fabric 12.5 X 16.25 $(Contact Artist)
Fabric 10 X 14 $85.00
“Sea Turtle”
Fabric 10 X 14.25 $85.00