As excitement builds for the March 25th Nehemiah Action, here’s how even our children can help our neighbors and families who struggle to find or keep an affordable place to live.
The IMPACT research committee recommends that on Sunday March 21, we light hundreds of luminarias around the community at the homes of network members and congregants. Why? The newly-passed American Rescue Plan will pour millions of aid dollars into our community ($10 million in the City, $20 million in the County) and they BOTH ought to prioritize affordable housing needs! This severe crisis can be solved and we all can help.
IMPACT congregations have been asked to LIGHT UP the front of their buildings with LUMINARIAS as well, and uucville will be placing 100 luminarias on the steps of the Rugby Road entrance on Sunday, March 21. They will be lit at 8 p.m. (sundown) on Sunday evening, March 21. Dan Grogan will be photographing the display, and the photo will be up on our website, and will be sent to the Board of Supervisors to show them our support for action on affordable housing. So far, nine other IMPACT congregations have also agreed to light their buildings. Our luminarias will carry a double message, showing our support for IMPACT’s social justice work, and marking the start of the final week of our pledge drive, and its theme, BE the LIGHT.
The UU IMPACT Network Team welcomes assistance with preparing and placing the luminarias (6:30 pm), lighting them (8 pm), and cleaning up after the display dims (9 pm?). All workers will be masked and social distance will be maintained.
Please contact Greta Dershimer if you are able to help at one of these times (434-242-2897; gretamae@comcast.net).
You can participate at home too!
You can support IMPACT by placing at least 10 in your front yard or on your steps! Each one will represent 10 families that are ONE paycheck away from homelessness, in order to let our local officials know we’re paying attention. And we’re standing up for housing for ALL.
Light your luminarias and brighten the hopes of all those who so urgently need affordable housing in our community. Click here for instructions. (And invite your children to color them!)