Looking for Leaders. We Want Your Input!

We Want Your Input

The Nominating Committee searches for candidates in key roles on the Board, Personnel, Finance and Nominating Committees. These positions are important because they not only deal with sensitive issues, but also the direction that the church takes. As leaders, they have the opportunity to work closely with our wonderful staff both learning from them and providing them with feedback regarding the church’s needs.

The Nominating Committee asks for your help in finding the best leaders for our church for the next few years. So far, we have spoken with 50 people in the congregation about their interest in and skills for leadership positions.

We want to speak with more individuals, but we need your input. Have you worked with or do you know a member of the congregation whose skills match any of these positions?

President (2 year term)– We are looking for a compassionate person who is a good listener to guide the congregation and the board during the transition to a new minister in 2022 and to help heal divisions of the past. We need someone with the organizational and leadership skills to run the board and congregational meetings.

Treasurer (2 year term) – You do not need to be an accountant for this position but you do need to be comfortable with math and computers and be able to communicate with Sean, the Board and Finance committee, and the congregation. Prior experience with budgets is certainly helpful.

At-Large Board Members (2 positions, 3-year term) These individuals must have a strong interest in the church and be willing to not only attend board meetings but act as a liaison with other committees.

Nominating Committee (2-3 positions, 2-year term) Members must be able to talk with a wide variety of people in the church asking members about their interest in and skills for various positions and asking for recommendations of others. The nominating committee then puts forward nominations for each position.

Personnel Committee (1-2 positions, 3-year term) This group provides recommendations and advice to the Board and Senior Staff on policy, staffing needs and other matters pertaining to the staff of the church.

Volunteering for any of these groups or recommending others is a great way to give back and develop a closer connection to your fellow UU’ers. We need and welcome your ideas.

Please let us know if you have questions or need more information. Email Mary Beth Wiley at nominating@uucharlottesville.com.