A Video Message from Rev Tim

Dear UUCville Members & Friends,

Can you feel it?

Something wonderful and exciting is happening at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville! There is an energy and aliveness  growing every day. I feel it on Sunday mornings as a growing number of people join us in person and online.

—I can feel it as our choir shares a beautiful anthem or as a member of our Pastoral Care team offers a listening ear.

—I can feel it in our many social action and service programs, such as the monthly food pantry, food sharing Sundays, the soup kitchen, the meal packet program, environmental clean-ups and sustainable potlucks, and our refugee and immigration ministries, including our new partnership with Sin Barreras.

—I can feel it at board and other meetings, where a spirit of hope and positivity is in abundance. Great things are happening at UUCville and I am filled with so much hope for our future!

While there are many reasons for the good feeling and excitement, I think it all comes down to three words that also happen to be the theme of the 2024-25 Pledge Drive.

Love In Action

Those three words are at the heart of the mission we adopted last spring and they certainly describe all that is happening at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville. Through our many programs and ministries, we are shining a beautiful light of love and compassion that is drawing more and more people to our congregation. Love is our guide and love is the gift we have to share with the world.

Our congregation’s passionate commitment to putting love into action is the reason my family makes a financial commitment to the UU Congregation of Charlottesville and the reason we are planning to increase our pledge by at least 10% this year. We are inspired by our new mission and excited about the long-range plan currently being created that will provide our congregation with the focus we need to live that mission and to make a real difference.

I hope you will join the Temerson family in expressing your passion and your values by making a pledge to the UU Congregation of Charlottesville. If you currently pledge, I hope you will increase your pledge by 10% or more. Such an increase in our existing pledges would enable us to fully fund our current ministries, provide fair compensation to our staff, and enable us to launch new programs and initiatives. If you don’t currently pledge, consider making a financial commitment for 2024-25. All pledges, no matter the size, are greatly appreciated.

We have so much to offer and so much to share here at UUCville. The love and joy we are currently experiencing is only the beginning.

—Just imagine the lives we can touch,

—the justice we can do, and

—the countless souls we can welcome into this community of love and compassion.

Let your passion and your values shine brightly and speak boldly as the UU Congregation of Charlottesville puts LOVE INTO ACTION!

Rev. Tim