Join the UUA Common Read, online book group

2015-2016 Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Common Read:  Join the online book group!

Just Mercy is a powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix our broken system of justice-from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time.

Named the 2015-2016 UUA Common Read and recipient of wide national acclaim, this moving book speaks to justice, mercy, and compassion and follows on other recent Common Reads, such as The New Jim Crow and Reclaiming Prophetic Witness.

Just Mercy is the first book selected for Justice and Spirit: The Unitarian Universalist Book Club on Goodreads! Click HERE for more information.
The new book club is a place where all who are interested in spirituality, religion, and social justice can discuss books that relate to these crucial questions. Join us! Sponsored by Skinner House Books and Beacon Press. For any questions or help getting started on Goodreads, please contact
Copies of seasonal readings are available as part of our Adult Faith Development program. Please pick up copies  from the bulletin board outside the mail room and across from the church office.
[Note: Look for more information about Adult Faith Development offerings once we are able to reclaim our meeting spaces following the completion of the renovation of the lower hall!]