Initiation of Janice Walker as a Recipient of the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet
70th Birthday in 2024; Initiation 2 weeks after 70th birthday
Sponsored by the Spring Services Auction Planning Committee
Read about the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet Tradition
Elizabeth Breeden hosted this meeting, and asked the other participants to write their comments down, so they could be shared with each other, and also be available to be included in the reports of the event on the Elders Connect website and the Big Board on the ramp by the Social Hall.
Sharing Information
Elizabeth Breeden: For many, many years Janice has been a rock whenever an event asked for food, pastoral leadership was needed, yard sale work was wanted, or a listening ear was required. After Covid she has needed to take more cautious care of herself and Stan, so now she volunteers with whatever can be done from home. For several years she has received the paper bids from the Services Auction, interpreting squiggles and cross-outs to input the correct data to our auction site on that very night, so it is ready for attendees the next day…and all with a smile
Sandy Brooks: Janice has a gentle manner with a warm and welcoming smile. She is extremely competent and dependable in whatever project she is involved. She is a voice of reason when problem solving is at hand, and definitely inclusive in her decision making. She is a joy to be with. Happy Birthday. Janice!
Jude Bias: Janice is the embodiment of positivity and helpfulness in our community. Her constant smile and readiness to assist with tasks, ranging from storing furniture in her barn for the yard sale, to warmly welcoming and guiding new staff members, are testaments to her generous spirit. Her willingness to pitch in wherever needed truly makes her an invaluable asset to us all.
Presentation of the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet
Elizabeth: We are glad to celebrate your 70th birthday by presenting you with this beautiful birthday bouquet. Thank you for your many years of contributing to the church as a very special volunteer.
Janice: Thank you all.
(Jude Bias takes a photo of the presentation.)
Elizabeth: Janice, would you like to comment on your reasons for volunteering in our church for so long, in so many ways?
Comments by Janice Walker
When I joined the church, the first thing I was given was a list of things to volunteer for. I don’t think they do that anymore, but I got a list. They were things that needed to be done to keep the church going well. I looked them over, and noticed Pastoral Associates and the Church Alliance, and those were the first things I joined. Pastoral Associates has changed its name to Pastoral Visitors, but it still does the same sort of work, helping members of the congregation who need some kind of special help at some point. That’s the way we take care of each other, and that’s good. Pastoral Associates fit my skills, and I got to know a lot of people. The Church Alliance shut down after a couple of years, but I found out I liked volunteering, so when something comes up that needs people to work, I join them. That’s how I get to know people, how I make friends. We work together to do the things we need to do to make the church what we want it to be. We work for good causes. We work together to make the church a community. Most of the people we know belong to the church. The church has really become the community for Stan and me.