Initiation March 27, 2023; 70th Birthday, December 15, 2022; Sponsored by Carol’s Friendship Circle
2023 Ritual Introduction Read by all Members of the Friendship Circle
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Elizabeth Breeden: Carol Saliba has been one of the key leaders in the UU C’ville Food Pantry for over fifteen years. The Food Pantry was started by Nik Skaggs more than 30 years ago and provides food, obtained at the Food Bank, to anyone who comes to receive it on the first Friday of every month. Carol has ordered the food, and welcomed our guests, and with other leaders, guided the committee through the full process of delivering food to those in need.
Carol was also an essential contributor in organizing and producing the Elder Dinner, providing an annual party for congregation members 70 and older. In more recent Covid pandemic years, this became the Elder Garden Party. Carol also served as chair of the Mental Wellness Committee, advocating for changes in church policies about “safety,” developed after some members grew uncomfortable with the behavior of others.
Johanna Woodchild: For many years Carol organized and supervised a team of members and friends of the church to put on elegant receptions after Memorial Services that were held at the church. In addition to an abundance of food and drink, each occasion was enhanced with flowers and a table filled with photos and memorabilia of the loved one being honored by the service. Family members of the memorialized person, especially those from out of town, were especially appreciative of Carol’s gracious efforts.
Patsy Swindler: When I came to church here for the first time, Carol was one of the first people I met, and we quickly became friends. I am impressed with all the different things she has done. She sang in the church choir for many years. She was on the Finance Committee.
Carol is very brave and she acts on her values. When she was living in a rental house, the landlady had trapped some groundhogs outdoors. The weather was very cold, so Carol released the groundhogs. The landlady was very angry! That all led to Carol moving to Midway Manor and meeting all the new friends she has now, including Morris, the cat.
Beverly Ball: Among the elderly members at church, and especially among those who live at Midway Manor, Carol has long been known as the person who provides rides and support to any one who needs it. She still provides rides, especially to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and to church and Friendship Circle meetings.
Presentation of Birthday Bouquet: Edith Good
Carol, I am so happy to be able to present this bouquet to you. You have done so much to help other people in the church and in the community. It’s clear that you deserve to be honored in this way. I’m glad that our Friendship Circle can celebrate you in this way, even though it’s three months after your real 70th birthday.
Carol Saliba: Thank You! You’ve all been great friends to me. The church is my family. I have no family of my own. I appreciate this honor so much!
Follow-Up Commentary
Greta Dershimer: Congratulations, Carol! I want to echo Edith and say that you really deserve to be a Recipient of the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet, and I’m happy to be here for this belated recognition of your 70th birthday, and be able to hear about all the ways you have cared for other people in our congregation and community. I enjoyed the stories you’ve all been telling, and I’m sorry that we don’t have a real recording of the meeting, so that others could hear the stories too. But I think this record includes a good listing of all the ways Carol has contributed to the strength of the church and the development of a sense of community.
I also want to thank Edith for presenting us with the Birthday Bouquet and giving us the idea of passing it along to others. It was Edith who helped us to see that we were restricting recipients to a very small group of people by passing it from one person to another. And she provided good questions and suggestions as we worked on planning the new procedures. So, we all owe her a double or triple THANK YOU that we are all here together today!
Edith Good: I didn’t realize how complicated it was at first. I’m glad that the new plan works so well. This was a really good celebration!
I am grateful to Greta for taking on the work of transforming my casual gift to her into a comprehensive ceremony recognizing the value of the many kinds of support given to UU Cville by those in their later years.