Please join 27 other member congregations and your fellow UUCville-ers on Zoom as we kick off IMPACT’s new year of action for social justice in our community!

You’ll hear updates on IMPACT’s continuing advocacy for childcare and affordable housing, and testimonies on new issues that surfaced at this year’s house meetings.


Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 875 7142 7486   Passcode: 304936.

To call in, find your local number:

UUCville’s Network Members also will vote at the Assembly to choose the next Care for Creation justice issue we’ll take on this year. The Assembly is one of four meetings network members commit to attend, and UUCville receives a vote for every network member present.


At UUCville, IMPACT is grateful to have many participants, supporters and donors. Our congregation has been involved ever since this groundbreaking interfaith organization first formed. Here’s who’s leading us this year:

UUCville Team Leader — Kelsey Cowger

UUCville Team Members — Hayley Owens, Burnie Davis

Network Members — serve on research teams or in other roles and make an annual financial donation. Network members also coordinate with Kelsey, Hayley or Burnie to invite all congregants to the Nehemiah Assembly. Remember: Head count counts!


If you’ve not yet committed to be a network member and are interested in deepening your support, please reach out to Hayley or Burnie to let them know you’ll attend the Assembly.

Everybody else? Just BE THERE on the 26th to show your support! UUCville’s participation helps lead to tangible changes that directly mitigate injustice and inequality in our community.

Please come and make your voice heard as we transform our values into actual change. This is how real change happens, and how UUCville continues to make an IMPACT!

–Laura Wallace, Network Member