
The Hospitality Committee is looking for a few good people—

Do your friends and family describe you as a “foodie”?  Is the kitchen your favorite room in any house?  Do your conversations flow better if you have a cup of coffee or tea in your hand?  Then the Hospitality Committee would love for you to join our team!

You can be involved in lots of ways, big or small, from setting up the coffee bar on a Sunday morning to helping plate foods for the potlucks to making soup for 200 for a Soup Sunday.  You can be behind the scenes helping keep the kitchen organized, purchasing supplies for events or just taking home all the tablecloths at the end of an event to wash them.

The Hospitality Committee is the most fun committee at UUC because all we do is plan parties and serve food!   Please stop by the kitchen any Sunday after the service for more info or email

Lorie Craddock, David Shutt, and Elizabeth Breeden