Highlights from the Meeting:
The Buildings Committee and the Board discussed the needed repairs to the Summit House porch and ramps. The Board approved using $15,000 in Endowment Funds and $12,000 in Capital Reserve Funds for the project, currently estimated at a cost of $38,000. A fundraising campaign will be organized to raise the remaining needed funds. The Buildings Committee has sought bids and is working to finalize a contract for the work.
The Board appointed Chris Little, John Griffith, Achsah Carrier, Pam McIntire, Tammy Wilt, Ellie Syverud to the Strategic Planning Task Force. Rev Tim Temerson serves as an ex-officio member. Others may be added to the Task Force as work progresses. The Board also adopted a charge for the group.
From the President’s Written Report

So many important things are happening at UUCville these days.The children and youth Religious Education program is off and running with a full set of adult advisors! Many thanks to all the volunteers and, especially, Rev Leia and Caroline, who make these valuable programs so amazing.
The Building and Grounds Committees have been meeting to set priorities and make plans to maintain our property. They determined that the top priority is to replace the rotting Summit House porch. As the porch deteriorates, it endangers the integrity of Summit House itself. The board affirmed that we want to move ahead with repairing the porch and the ramps.
UUCville has been supporting the Ebenezer Baptist Church partnership with local Black farmers by purchasing meat and produce directly from these farmers. Pastor Bates of EBC and Rev Tim will be exchanging pulpits one Sunday again this year. Thank you to everyone helping us continue to deepen our relationship with Pastor Bates and his congregation.
This month, the Board will appoint a Strategic Plan Task Force and provide them with a formal charge for their work.
Several important considerations for the Task Force will be:
- Care and growth of our congregation.
- Continuing our commitment to building community within our congregation with transparency about our processes, welcoming newcomers and those who who are already here, valuing diverse leadership, and, of course, having fun together.
- Continuing our social and environmental action in the Charlottesville area.
- Considering action on the upstream causes of suffering in our community
- Working in partnership with other community organizations to take action for change.
- Uniting our congregation in living our mission, building community through love in action.
I am grateful to be a part of our UUCville community where so many people are working on behalf of love.
Pam McIntire, President
From the Lead Developmental Minister’s Written Report
I’m very pleased to share a few thoughts about where we are in our shared ministry.
Let me begin by saying how well I think things are going and how hopeful I am for your future. I continue to marvel at the skill and dedication of so many leaders and volunteers in our congregation and I really believe that if we can continue working together to celebrate our many gifts and to bring them together into meaningful ministries, the sky is the limit for the UU Congregation of Charlottesville. That doesn’t mean there won’t be mistakes or missteps along the way. But I believe that as long as we continue to be mission and ministry-driven, with our energy directed at living Unitarian Universalism to the fullest extent possible, UUCville will be known as a community that leads with love and that is always striving to put that love into action.
I want to commend the Board for committing us to strategic planning this year. One of the biggest challenges any organization faces but especially volunteer-centered organizations like a congregation is FOCUS!!! It is so easy to get side-tracked and to try to do everything. There are so many good ideas, so many creative, smart people in our congregation and in Unitarian Universalism. It is so tempting to try and follow up on every idea that is suggested because congregations have a hard time saying “No” and remembering that living a mission requires doing a few things well rather than trying to do everything. That is precisely why a strategic plan is essential. The plan will establish a baseline from which we can develop and deepen our ministries with focus and effectiveness.
On October 15 we held a conversation after the service about the proposed revisions to Article II of the UUA by-laws, which include the current Seven UU principles. I confess I didn’t do a great job during the sermon laying the groundwork for the discussion (although Tori Goodloe and Liam Little were fabulous during the Time For All Ages) but what a rich and insightful discussion it was! Folks asked about the context and background of the proposed language and I was especially touched when Shannon Garrett-Redmond discussed how meaningful the commitment to action and accountability in the Article II revision is to her and her family.

~ Circe Strauss
Finally, Circe Strauss and I are about to begin teaching a course called “Trans Inclusion in UU Congregations” and I am so very impressed that 19 people have signed up for the class. I think those numbers show that people are eager to learn and to grow so that our congregation can be more welcoming and more loving for all people! Way to go UUCville!
Rev. Tim Temerson