Jayson Whitehead Executive Director at PACEM
This year we host PACEM for the men from November 11 to 25 and the women from November 25 to December 9, 2023. Other congregations will feed our guests for the first three weeks. We partner with Ebenezer Baptist Church to feed our guests for the first week of December. A Sign-Up Genius for volunteers will go out in our Friday newsletter for food and in-person host volunteers at the beginning of November.
Dona nobis pacem—Latin meaning “grant us peace.” As a founding and sustaining supporter of PACEM, UUCville believes we, through the generosity of our members and friends, have brought warmth, food, security and hopefully, a bit of peace to the women and men in our community who have no place to call home.
Charlottesville’s PACEM is a model borrowed from Richmond for hosting the homeless overnight in rotating congregations during the winter months. Before the Richmond model and PACEM, folks were dying from sleeping out in the cold. Since its inception, it has developed into a shelter for women and a shelter for men from October to March.
PACEM guests are fed dinner with several congregations and temples partnering with the host congregation. PACEM provides staff who monitor intake, engage with guests about services in the larger community and require guests to follow boundaries of behavior including no drugs or alcohol while they are a guest in the shelter. This model engages numerous thoughtful volunteers who have direct experience with those who are homeless. They advocate for policies such as affordable housing, mental health care, and food programs while addressing the issues of those who have been homeless for years.

Please contact pacem@uucharlottesville.org if you’re interested in helping with this year’s effort. With gratitude.

Three words filled with promise, opportunity, and potential. What does the future hold for UUCville? Together, let’s use these words to direct our actions to shape, build and guide where we go as a beloved community. (Brought to you by the Stewardship Steering Committee.)