Governance Task Force: What’s Up in 2017

The Governance Task Force wants to keep you informed about the progress of their work in streamlining and updating our church governance system. We hope you come to one of the congregational conversations to be held on two Sundays in January. Join us for information and provide feedback on the governance proposal on:

— Jan. 15 at the “Resolutions for 2017” potluck in the lower hall sponsored by the Leadership Development Committee after the second service, or
— Jan 22, in the Church Parlor after the second service.

There will be a vote on these changes at the congregational meeting in the spring.

For details on the governance proposal, see the Governance section of the TJMC Task Forces page.

Summary of Proposed Changes

Present Governance System Proposed Governance System
Board of twelve members + 3 Staff members Board of seven members + 3 Staff members, more nimble board, increased responsibilities for board members, faster decision making
President-3 year term serving as Pres. Elect, Pres, & Past Pres. In sequence President- 2 year term, renewable once
Executive: Pres. Elect, President, Past Pres., Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Minister Executive: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Minister
Six At Large Board members, 3 year terms, nonrenewable Three At Large Board members, 2 year terms, nonrenewable, eligible for other board positions
Vice President in charge of council system Vice President in charge of council system and chair of the Policy Review Team
No limit to consecutive board service Maximum 6 years consecutive board service
Executive Committee meets once a month Executive Committee not required to meet but responsible for agenda for Board meeting, meets as the discretion of the President and Secretary
Executive Committee needs a quorum of 3 to conduct business No quorum required for Executive Committee to conduct business
Policy change procedures lengthy and unclear. Policy review team arranges feedback on proposed policies and policy changes within 90 day period. Clear responsibility for process.
Policy proposed through councils. Policy proposed by committees, councils or anyone in the congregation to VP.
VP responsible for guiding policy changes Policy Review Team-VP + 2 board appointed non-board Members responsible for guiding policy changes
Five Councils: Community Life, Social Justice, Administrative, Worship, Religious Education, last three no longer function Two Councils: Community Life, Social Justice. Other councils could be established by the Board if desired. Staff members assume responsibility for coordinating groups/committees in their areas of responsibility
Leadership Development Committee is responsible for recruiting congregation-elected positions Nominating Committee (name changed from Leadership Development to reflect its duties) responsible for recruiting congregation-elected positions and, if asked by the President, for recruiting board-appointed committees and positions, including council chairs
Leadership Development is also responsible for leadership development including identifying and training of volunteers Nominating Committee will not be responsible for leadership development. The committee name is changed to Nominating Committee. It is recommended that another committee take responsibility for Leadership development and support (COM? Stewardship? A new committee?)
Lots of Committees and Groups More reliance on Coordinators of activities rather than committees and groups.
Lots of face to face meetings Reduced number of meetings, more reliance on alternative methods of decision making and information sharing