From the President

By Laura Horn
Hi friends,
One of the board’s goals this year, was to embrace Beloved Conversations about Racial Justice as a way to live our values in the world, strengthen our connections and expand and deepen our spiritual lives.
I have had the opportunity to complete and now reflect upon a small part of that work, and wanted to share my journey with you here.
I begin, as faith often does, with confession:  The work of racial justice inside the church is work I have personally avoided for years.  I had so many reasons.  Surely, I reasoned, the ‘next generation’ would solve or obviate the issues.  Surely, I reasoned, I had other work to do in the world, work for which I was more suited.  Surely things were getting better on their own.
Don’t miss Chris Crass at UU Waynesboro on April 30. Click HERE for more information. Click HERE to register.