FOCUS: Who Are We?

One of the things I love most about being a Unitarian Universalist is that we are always questioning, exploring, and learning. Some of the questions we are always seeking to answer include “Who Are We?” “What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist?” and “How can we turn our values and principles into action?”

As many of you are aware, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is in the process of reviewing and revising Article Two of the UUA by-laws, which contain our principles and purposes. Rev. Leia recently preached a wonderful sermon about Article Two and you can learn more about the process on our website and in this recent article in  UU World  magazine. And because the next UU General Assembly in June will be fully online, many of us can attend and be part of the conversation about Article II.

As we reflect on and consider Article II, the UU Congregation of Charlottesville is also on an exciting journey to determine how we will live the mission we adopted last June. To that end, we will be developing a Long-Range Plan inspired by that mission which will set actionable and achievable goals for the next three years. A task force is developing a process for creating the plan and that process begins on Sunday, January 28. The service that morning will focus on the importance of our mission and the plan, and we hope many of you will attend both the service itself and an after-worship conversation. that will be held in the sanctuary and on Zoom.

Much like the UUA, the UU Congregation of Charlottesville is asking big questions about who we are and how we will turn our most cherished values and principles into action. We need all of you to share your wisdom, your passion and your creativity. Together, we can and we will put love into action!

The UUA Board is now receiving amendments, which must be in by February 1. Learn more about the process.

Read about this in the UU World here “As Unitarian Universalists Reassess Core Beliefs, Article II Study Commission Reflects on Progress Made

Read the Draft of Article II (pdf)

Rev. Tim