FOCUS: What do you pledge?

This UU congregation is a community which shapes its mission, ministry and message in Covenant with its members and with other UU congregations in the nation. The viability of UUCville depends on the investment of the members and friends in their congregation, investment of time, talent, and financial support. In the next few weeks, everyone is invited to let their congregation know what amount of money they will be investing in the upcoming fiscal year, July 2022 – June 2023.

Pledging now gives your leaders a realistic expectation of income as they plan the budget for next year. What are your hopes for next year, and what will you pledge to give?

Our Pledge Drive leaders will be sending out special information on Monday to learn more about this year’s focus and needs, and with instructions on how to pledge.  We invite newcomers to make their first pledge! First time pledgers’ amounts will be matched by generous supporters who have created a matching dollars fund!  If you have questions, feel free to contact Kay Frazier, or Rev. Linda

The theme of our pledge drive this year is Hope Is Our Door, from the powerful poem by Amanda Gorman.

Amanda Gorman reads her poem here

As we prepare to open our physical doors to welcome people back to our sanctuary, let us give generously to open all our doors to the HOPE we have for our congregation’s ministry.