Ever wonder who does what when it comes to stewardship? What does the Finance Committee do? What is the Stewardship Steering Committee? How does the money get to the bank? What’s the role of the Board of Trustees and Treasurer? And you may have wondered, “Just what is stewardship?” Stewardship is simply caring for, loving, nurturing, planning, implementing, and funding all that is important to us as a beloved community.
Many people embrace the importance of stewardship and work behind the scenes to ensure all runs smoothly. From communication to pledge minding…. There are many roles to fill. Interested in assisting with any of these tasks and becoming more involved in the stewardship movement? Email the Stewardship Steering Committee.

Ushers/Cashiers at Fund Raisers – collect, count, and place collections in the safe.
Depositors – all monies in the safe are recounted, recorded in Breeze, and deposited in our bank account. Deposits are made bi-weekly.
Finance Committee – a Board appointed committee charged with advising the Treasurer. Reviews monthly financial reports generated by staff, and monitors revenue and expenses. Develops the annual budget with the Treasurer, Personnel Committee, and Ministry for the Board of Trustees review. Makes recommendations to the Board regarding the reserve accounts and accepting restricted gifts. Reviews applications for new fundraisers.
Personnel Committee – elected by the congregation, and along with numerous other responsibilities, advises the Finance Committee on salaries and benefits for budget development. Assess UUA recommendations and how to best use resources to meet the goal of fair and equitable pay.

Stewardship Steering Committee – a Board appointed committee charged with nurturing a culture of giving, through the responsible development, planning, and management of the congregation’s resources. The SSC has eyes on the future, providing leadership for the annual pledge drive, planned giving, stewardship education, and other projects as requested by the Board.
Pledge Drive Team – with the leadership of the Stewardship Steering Committee, these folks organize and manage the annual fund drive. From data collection, stuffing envelopes, reaching out to congregants, sending our regular communications, and organizing the kick-off celebration…. There is a task for anyone who wants to join this team. 80% of our revenue supporting our congregation is received through pledge donations. Join us in this meaningful work!

Treasurer – elected by the congregation, charged with monitoring the finances of the congregation, presents the Annual Budget and Annual Statement of Financial Position, and other financial information. Serves on the Stewardship Steering Committee, and Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees – elected by the congregation, and among the many responsibilities, approves the annual budget for the congregational vote and has overall responsibility for financial oversight of UUCville.
Pledge Minding – monitors pledges and pledge payments in Breeze, assists with the pledge drive, and works directly with the congregation to answer pledge questions.

Fundraising Committees – volunteers who work diligently to fundraise to benefit the Annual Budget. The three main fundraisers are the Yard Sale and Spring and Fall Auctions. These groups always need volunteers!
And a huge thanks to the Communications Committee that assists with the pledge drive and keeps our website financial information up to date. They are the talent behind our newsletter, flyers, and educational materials.