February’s Ministry Theme is Widening The Circle

What Does it Mean to Widen the Circle?

I’ve been learning a lot about the concept of “ingroups” lately, from the field of psychology. Ingroups are groups where we feel belonging, because we share something important to us in common with all the other members of the group. You likely have several ingroups. Maybe you are dedicated to a sports team and follow and participate in fan groups in person or online. Maybe you spend time with a naturalist group doing trail and habitat restoration. Perhaps you ride with other cyclists, and together advocate for better bike awareness and infrastructure in your region. On your social justice team in your church or covenanted community, you may be leading your family of faith toward more just and effective action. All these ingroups, and others like them, give us a sense of belonging as well as being among “our people,” which feels good, and at its best, amplifies our efforts to make the world better.

And, it can sometimes be really difficult to belong to and enjoy an ingroup while also widening the circle for others not only to join us, but to change us with their unique, divine spark. That is one very tricky needle to thread! How do you…

● Identify and nurture the core of who you are, as a group?
● While also cultivating curiosity and openness that allows the group to grow and evolve?
● All the while fostering a sense of trust and belonging among long timers and incomers, alike?

This is the loving edge of the circle we are called to as Unitarian Universalists, and in our families is where this work begins.

This month, we’ll be foregrounding the concepts of belonging and including, and making our way toward the ideas of adapting and evolving together. In this way, we’re laying groundwork for widening the circle, an essential task for us as a faith group. Are you up for the challenge? Together, let’s jump in!

Teresa Honey Youngblood, on behalf of the Soul Matters team
The Soul Matters Sharing Circle LLC is a network of Unitarian Universalist congregations who follow the same monthly themes so we can more easily share small group material, as well as worship, sermon, music and children’s religious education resources. We are a web of support and connection. Companions traveling a new journey together each month.