A Call to March From Rev. Susan

Event details

  • June 29, 2024
  • 6:00 am - 6:30 pm

June 29 Moral March on Washington, DC

The Charlottesville Clergy Collective is renting a bus to transport people to Washington, DC, on Saturday June 29, to attend the Poor People’s Moral March on Washington. The event starts at 10:00 am and finishes at around 3:00 pm.

Watch Jon Stewart interview Rev. Dr. William Barber about the Moral March

Sign Up Here To Join the Bus Ride
Deadline to sign up for the bus: Tuesday June 25 at noon
(You can also drive up on your own and join the march at 3rd & Pennsylvania at 10:00 AM!)

  • The bus will leave Charlottesville at around 6:00 am.
  • The bus will return to Charlottesville around 6:00 – 6:30 pm. (Exact departure location to be determined later.)
  • Please fill out the form below if you are interested in riding on the bus.
  • We encourage individuals (or family units) to fill out this form separately, instead of one person filling this form for their faith community. This helps us to get a better idea of any special needs individuals may have.

Rev. Susan is working with the Clergy Collective on arrangements for the march. Contact her with questions or to get involved Susan@uucharlottesville.org


  • Filling out this form does NOT guarantee you a seat on the bus. It also does not obligate you to go. It simply helps us to determine the size of the bus to rent.
  • People of color and low wage workers will have priority in seating.
  • We will email you to confirm your seat(s).
  • We ask for a minimal donation of $40.00 per person for those with the ability to pay.
  • Please pre-pay your donation in order to guarantee your seat. (You will be given information later about how to pay)
  • Your donation is non-refundable if you cancel at the last minute. (Our cost for the bus rental is fixed.)
  • Please be prepared to tip your driver at the end of the trip.