The Rev. Tim Temerson has been selected by the UU Cville Board to be the Developmental Lead Minister. He will join us in Charlottesville on August 1st join us in the pulpit for the first time August 7th.
What is a Developmental Minister? This is a minister with special skills, who is hired to work with the congregation on specific goals which can strengthen the health and mission of the community.
How long will Tim be with UUCville? The UUA suggests that the average length required to accomplish goals set for developmental work is three to five years, although it can take a little longer. The duration depends on the shared assessment of how the work is going.
What is the difference between Interim, Developmental, and Settled (called) Ministers?
- The work of interim is to help a congregation with the transition from the last ministry, to help with spiritual and relational work to preparing for the next ministry. The Board hires the Interim for a limited time (1 or 2 years).
- The work of a developmental ministry is to focus on specific goals which have been identified to be needed to become a healthy congregation. The Board hires the Dev. Minister for a contract which can be evaluated and renewed for 3 to 5 years.
- The work of a settled (called) minister is to form a deep relationship of partnership and leadership which will nurture a congregation’s covenantal ministry to the world. The congregation votes to call the minister, and the settlement continues as long as the relationship is mutually beneficial.
What are the developmental goals for our work with Rev. Tim? The Board and the Search Committee held a number of meetings and listening sessions to determine the goals that are most needed by UUCville in the coming five years. They are to help UUCville:
- define a broad shared vision of the congregation’s mission
- become a more welcoming, inclusive, and anti-racist congregation, with greater diversity in our membership and stronger engagement with the broader Charlottesville community.
- strengthen our Stewardship Ministry
- strengthen internal structures, processes and communications, to build trust, and become more emotionally and operationally functional.
As a congregation we welcome Rev. Tim to join us in this work we do together.