November Social Action Collection: Birth Sisters

Birth Sisters of Charlottesville is a women of color community based doula collective supporting women of color through their birth journey and into motherhood. Our aim is to amplify the resiliency of Black, Indigenous, Women of Color by drawing on life experiences, shared values, training, and sacred legacies to provide culturally rooted, trauma intuitive perinatal services and advocacy. We serve women in the City of Charlottesville and the surrounding counties.

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When Doreen Bonnet, Lisa Brown, Charlsie Stratton, and Zakiah Pierre found ourselves sharing the title “co-founder” we had no idea what we were in for. However, we built it out and Birth Sisters of Charlottesville has become something near and dear to our hearts and to this community.

Our family has grown in doulas and beautiful families and babies. We are literally saving lives and actively changing the narrative around maternal health outcomes for BIPOC women. Consider supporting this Black woman led organization that is denying race as a risk factor and calling out racism. We are here to make sure Black and of color families, mamas and babies do not become anyone’s troubled statistic but instead feel supported, heard, acknowledged, affirmed, honored, respected, cared for and celebrated.

Our program started in 2016 as a project called Sisters Keepers Doula Collective. In 2020, the group reorganized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the new corporate name, Birth Sisters of Charlottesville.