Friday March 12, 7PM (Doors open at 6:30)

“Lamentation, Gratitude and Hope”

When anniversaries arrive by calendar or consciousness,
Mark the time. Respond with thought or prayer or smile or grief,
Let nothing living slip between the fingers of the mind,
For all of these are holy things we will not, cannot, find again
.” (Max Coots)

It has been a full year since our nation joined the world going into quarantine. In the months since, there have been the devastating effects of illness, death, job-loss, disruption of schooling, zoom replacing in-person family celebrations, and frustrating science-denials.

At this one-year anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic, Revs. Leia and Linda invite all UUCvillers to participate (virtually) with some of our sibling UU congregations in Virginia to mark this overwhelming year by lamenting our collective loss and our individual loneliness, by offering our thanks for those who have cared for the sick and those who have kept society going, and by lifting up our hopes for a healthier, kinder and more just future.

You can begin connecting at 6:30pm on Friday, March 12,  to check your computer set-up and for introductions, and the service itself will begin promptly at 7pm.

To connect, go to

You can dial-in by phone to 646-876-9923
(Meeting ID: 920 676 087).