TJMC-UU Votes to Change Name of Church

On September 27,  following months of congregational conversations, and years of consideration, we, the Unitarian Universalist congregation in Charlottesville met virtually to vote to remove the words, Thomas Jefferson, from our name.  More than 95% present voted in favor of this change.

This vote reflects our aspirations to continue developing as a home for liberal, progressive religion in Charlottesville.  We want the new name to welcome all and alienate none. We want to choose a name that will not obscure our values of working for justice and undoing racism behind a name that tells a different story to many.

While our name will change, some things won’t change: we will continue to address the great hurt that has been borne by Black, Indigenous and people of color, on the land where our congregation finds its home. We recognize that we ourselves have caused harm in our congregation, which we will continue to work to understand and repair.

We will continue to partner with, generously support, and follow organizations that are led by, and do the labor of, liberating those most impacted by oppressive systems. We look forward to continuing our introspection and our positive works in the community with humility, hope, and commitment. We welcome all those who wish to join us.


163 members in attendance, with 157 ballots cast.

157 of 157 votes in favor of the budget.  Passed with 100% in favor. 

146 votes in favor of changing the name, 7 against, 4 abstentions. 

Passed with 95.4% in favor.


The Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles

Interim Lead Minister

Pronouns she/her