Working together with others in service is one of the best ways to meet people, make friends, and build community. There are many ways to be involved at UUCville, your presence is a gift and your contribution is both needed and appreciated.


Join us in building stronger families! We’re excited to partner with City of Promise on their innovative “Nurturing Neighborhood” program. Through this initiative, volunteer teams become extended family for Charlottesville families, offering support with daily tasks and creating lasting community bonds.

If you are interested in being part of a UUCville extended family team, please email Rev. Tim

Read about CIty of Promise
Read about Nurturing Neighborhood

Join a social justice project

Be a volunteer driver with our Sin Barreras Partnership

Work on a UUCville committee

Participate in congregational leadership

Help with Pastoral Care

Join CareNet


Upcoming Engagement Opportunities:


Sunday Service Opportunities:

Participating in the worship service on Sunday is a wonderful way to be engaged with the UUCville community. These opportunities are perfect for newcomers:

Altar Decorators
Contact Leia Durland-Jones

Would you like to provide the altar flowers and decorations on Sunday to mark a special occasion, to honor someone, or to simply help create beauty in our sanctuary? You can bring the flowers yourself or make arrangements with Leia to have them purchased.

Choir and Music
Contact the Director of Music, Scott DeVeaux

Do you enjoy singing or play an instrument? Share your gifts and talents. Choir practice is Thursday night from September to May. There are also opportunities for small musical groups to take part in our services. If you have a musical talent or interest, talk to our Music Director.

Contact the Greeters & Membership team

This is an excellent volunteer opportunity for those new to the church, providing a chance to meet everyone as they arrive. Teams greet and welcome regular attendees at Sunday services as they come in the door and assist new visitors at the visitors’ table. Greeters join a team and serve one Sunday every four-five weeks.

Social Hour – Coffee and Snack Servers
Contact the Social Hour team

Volunteers work in teams to create a welcoming atmosphere before and after worship. They set up the Social Hall, serve refreshments, and clean up, ensuring a smooth Social Hour experience. This weekly gathering is important time for our congregation, offering a chance to forge new friendships, engage in lively discussions, and welcome newcomers to our community. Volunteering for Social Hour is an excellent way for families, small groups, or new members to get involved and contribute to our vibrant UUCville spirit.

Tech Team
Contact Rev. Tim

Help manage the online Sunday services.

Teaching Children and Youth
Contact Leia Durland-Jones & Elaine Chapman

Help shape, and learn from, the next generation of UUs as you work in a team of parents and non-parents. You will have great support from the RE Committee and our staff. We need you!

Contact the Usher team

Ushers help to set up and organize the Sanctuary for Sunday morning services, welcome people to church, and collect the offertory. Ushers serve once a month, and volunteers are always needed. This is a great way to meet everyone at church.