Sabbatical: Reflections from Rev. Alex

By Rev. Alexandra McGee, Assistant Minister As you read this, pause, look away from your screen and up at something beautiful, and take a deep breath. Really. Did you pause? How did it feel to your eyes? Your breath? That simple act of pausing is essential in all areas of...

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Zen Heaven and Hell

This Buddhist wisdom tale, author unknown but hosted on Unitarian Universalist Kat Liu’s page,, helps us understand one piece of healing that is within our control, and that is our response. Suffering ends, and healing begins, when we stop letting our emotions control us. Share the story with your...

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Thanksgiving Message from Rev. Leia

November 2020 Dear Friends, The season of thanks is upon us and although these are challenging times, there is still much to hold in our minds and hearts with gratitude. However you are marking Thanksgiving Day this year—whether with those in your immediate household or with friends and family over...

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Letters from Scott

On Beauty May 28 It has been a beautiful spring. Surely you’ve noticed? Even in March and April, when most of us were watching the world through our windows, we could see the gloriousness of nature on display. From my office, up on the third floor, my window abuts the...

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In Faith And With Love

Leia Durland-Jones, Director of Faith Development Last Saturday May 2 was World Labyrinth Day! The church’s Labyrinth Ministry often joins this annual celebration by holding a walk on our outdoor labyrinth. This year, we could not gather. The pandemic, of course, altered our plans as well as the plans of...

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Alexandra McGee

A Note From Rev Alex: Bloopers

A Note from Rev. Alex Dear Friends: Bloopers is the topic for this little essay greeting to you today, that I am writing on April 1, for the April 3 weekly email. The fun of April Fools Day seems like a far cry from this world of disarray. Nonetheless, humor...

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