Board of Trustee Meeting 6/26 Highlights

Thank you Jimmy & Hayley!   Rev Tim provided an update on the UUA General Assembly outcomes. The revisions to Article II were adopted by an 80% delegate vote in favor. To learn more about the process and the values adopted a the General Assembly visit:  Also approved by...

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Board of Trustees October 25th, 2023 Meeting Highlights

Highlights from the Meeting: The Buildings Committee and the Board discussed the needed repairs to the Summit House porch and ramps. The Board approved using $15,000 in Endowment Funds and $12,000 in Capital Reserve Funds for the project, currently estimated at a cost of $38,000. A fundraising campaign will be...

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Stewardship Steering Committee Oct 2023 Word Search

Enjoy this month’s online word search. Just click and drag to mark your find. You can print a version from this link Printable version of the Stewardship Steering Committee Word Search   Answers Three words filled with promise, opportunity, and potential. What does the future hold for UUCville? Together, let’s...

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Grant Us Peace the Mission of PACEM

Jayson Whitehead Executive Director at PACEM   This year we host PACEM for the men from November 11 to 25 and the women from November 25 to December 9, 2023.  Other congregations will feed our guests for the first three weeks. We partner with Ebenezer Baptist Church to feed our...

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President’s Report to the Board: September 2023

At our Board Retreat in September, I started to see how our strategic plan can lead to an even stronger Social and Environmental Justice movement in our congregation. Rev Tim explained how groups can move to working on the upstream causes of suffering and injustice while continuing to work on...

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Sunday September 10th Service Fair

Are you looking for ways to put your UU faith into action? Now is the time to find your place to put love into action! Whether it’s volunteering to further a ministry, reach out to the larger community, or serve our own beloved congregation … there is a place for each and...

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President’s Report, June 2023

The Congregational Meeting was a huge success with getting so much done.  We now have an excellent balanced budget for 2023/2024, we have great teams for our board, nominating and personnel committees, we updated the bylaws and we have a new mission statement. We can now turn our attention to...

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New Mission Statement Approved at Congregational Meeting

  Fulfilling one of our Developmental Ministry Goals, UUCville adopted a new Mission Statement at the congregational meeting held on June 4, 2023.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and to the broader world. Mission Task Force co-chairs Jeanine Braithwaite and Chris...

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UUCville Mission Statement Update

As part of our Developmental Ministry Goals, the Mission Task Force is working on a Mission Statement for UUCville. We will develop a statement that expresses our purpose or in other words, why we exist.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and...

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UUCville Mission/Purpose: Information Session

The Mission/Purpose Task Force will hold an information/feedback session on Sunday, April 30 at 12:30 in the sanctuary and on Zoom. The dual-platform session will include an overview of the comments received during the 17 cottage conversations as well as the presentation of three draft statements of purpose. These statements...

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