Peace Action-United Nations

Peace Action-United Nations is tabling in the Social Hall on gun safety after each service this Sunday, Feb 28th.  In January, President Obama issued an executive action on gun safety and we have letters to our representatives for you to sign to support this action.  His action includes five provisions to improve gun...

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TJMC is Renewal

Without an investment of energy, everything falls into disrepair. This is as true of our spiritual lives as it is of our buildings. The energy we’ve put into our physical surroundings this year has created new spaces to gather, and it’s lifted our spirits as well. I am impressed this year...

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Doing Something About Racial Justice

By the Racial Justice Steering Committee One of the things I hear over and over again, when it comes to our racial justice work here, is that we love to talk about things (over and over and over), and keep offering consciousness raising, but if that’s all that we do...

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Taking Stock

What brought you to TJMC and what keeps you here? You’ve heard those questions before. They’re a common ice breaker, but they can lead to deep conversation and intimate connection, too. Maybe you ask yourself these questions as well. Why am I here and what am I getting out of...

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Does listening to public radio go hand in hand with being a Unitarian Universalist?  It does when your donations to public radio fund outreach announcements for UU churches in central Virginia.  As we have done for many years, donations made to public radio by TJMC members are pooled with donations...

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Lower Hall Renovation is complete!

The Lower Hall Renovation is complete: We will still be taking care of some loose ends but have begun scheduling meetings and rentals into the Lower Hall. Please be sure you are checking the church calendar for your meeting location.  You can find the church calendar at: Check out the gallery!

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The Talk of TJMC — Racial Justice Steering Committee

Social Justice Spotlight — Racial Justice Steering Committee Begining in January (2016) we have begun taking a moment at the begining of our Sunday morning sactuary worship, on the first Sunday of each month, to highlight one of our own, internal, social justice efforts.  (Much as on the third Sunday...

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A Note from the Committee on the Ministry February 2016

(by RevWik on behalf of the Committee) A common mode of communication in congregations is called “triangulation.”  Triangulated communication consists, first of all, of me … talking to somebody else … about you.  There’s nothing particularly wrong with that, of course.  When it becomes problematic is when I ask that...

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