President’s June 2016 Bulletin Article

Hello friends, Our Director of Administration and Finance, Christina Rivera, has been with us for a year now. She accepted my invitation to sit down for an interview. A video version of this interview will be available on the TJMC website in the near future. Christina, our search committee thought...

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What is Juneteenth? – June 2016

By Sara Gondwe Juneteenth, often known as “Our Other Independence Day” is a day designated to celebrate the last remaining slaves that were notified of their freedom on June 19th, 1865. As a Unitarian Universalist, I see our goal as being inclusive, to make sure that there are representatives “at...

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Words of Wikstrom – June 2016

This month’s theme question:  What does it mean to be a people of simplicity? If you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island, and could bring only one book with you, what would it be?  Seriously … I’m asking.  Think about it for a minute.  If...

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An opportunity to show up …

When people think about our congregation’s racial justice programming, one concern sometimes raised is that we do a lot of thinking and talking about racism, but not a lot of doing anything proactive and productive to change things.  It can certainly be argued that, for people who have been raised to think of themselves as white,...

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Cottage meetings

Want to discuss the Public Witness statement supporting Black Lives Matter and racial justice?  Cottage meetings are just the thing!  Choose from July 9 or July 24. Sign up in Social Hall, or here,or by emailing

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Mindfulness Meditation

Please join us for 8-weekly sessions in Mindfulness Meditation – July 5 to August 23. Doug Rogers, a TJMC Covenant Group facilitator, will facilitate the group. To register, please contact Doug at

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UU Christian Fellowship

UUCF is a welcoming place to explore your spirituality within a liberal Christian context. Gatherings may include, music, sermons, discussion, readings from the Bible, meditation, movement, sharing of joys and sorrows, food and drink, and they always include compassionate fellowship. All are welcome!  

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