TJMC is Coming Home

If you’ve been away from church for a while–or you know someone who has–we are ready to welcome you back. It can be difficult to take those first steps into church again, but our loving community holds you in its embrace. The most recent chapter of my involvement with TJMC...

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TJMC is Spiritual Growth

Our Third Principle:  Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations I started in a covenant group when the practice first came to TJMC. I was eager to participate in the topics and make new friends.  The challenge for me was to make “I” statements. I...

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TJMC is a Hope for Peace

Our Sixth Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. We see a world plagued by poverty, conflict, discrimination, and we are called to act. We stand in silent witness, we speak out, we support with our money and our actions. We act locally and we act globally...

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TJMC is Community

“Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” The children understand: the church is nothing without the community that sustains it.  What a delight it was to move to Charlottesville, after having lived in the same area for 33 years, and find...

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Thoughts on Stewardship – March 2016

Do you think of yourself as one of TJMC’s “stewards?” Is that an idea you’ve ever even considered? Is it even clear to you what that might mean? “Steward” is one of those old-fashioned words that doesn’t show up in everyday conversation all that much, but at its most basic...

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A Life in Faith March 2016

Pastoral Visitors Year-Round Program The Pastoral Visitors Program has been designed to complement the roles of the minister and the CareNet program, in providing a comprehensive ministry of pastoral care. It is a lay ministry of support and hope, offered by trained volunteers who offer a sustained caring presence for...

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Our RE Changes Lives

Our Third Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations Many families first come to TJMC looking for religious education for their children. From preschool through high school, we encourage our children to think, to seek, to act in accordance with our UU principles. Read about the...

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TJMC is Loving Care

Our First and Second Principles: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations We minister to each other in many ways at TJMC. We support each other as we work together on church projects, in an unexpected conversation in the social hall, in a touch as we light a candle of...

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