A Minister’s Musings: Bullies

Driving in to work following the first Presidential debate, I heard a commentator describing the different views of the United States that he’d heard the night before.  Of Donald Trump’s he said that it was “negative” and “dystopian,” and that it was as if he saw the US as “the...

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Special Congregational Meeting

TJMC-UU Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, October 2, 12:45 pm in the Sanctuary All Members: Join us for a specially called Congregational Meeting to vote on adoption of long-term public witness in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and Racial Justice. Childcare will be provided. Our Youth will offer a...

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Children’s choir announcement

Dear parents, Your children, aged 6 – 12, are invited to join the TJMC children’s choir! Rehearsals will be held on Sundays, 10:30 am – 11:05 am, in the sanctuary, and will start on September 18. There will be no rehearsals on Oct 16., Nov. 13 and 27, Dec. 25, or Jan. 1....

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A Minister’s Musings: Can you help me understand?

I was once advised that asking someone “why” — as in “why did you do that?” or “why do you think that way?” — tends to make people feel defensive.  It’s better, then, to ask, “Can you help me to understand … ?”  Most people, after all, respond positively to...

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Words of Wikstrom – September 2016

Considering Covenants We continue this year our practice of asking ourselves each month a question as a way of shaping our faith exploration.  That question is, “What does it mean to be a community of … ?”  Each month we’ll look at a different way we could describe what it...

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Erik Walker Wikstrom

Thoughts on Stewardship – September 2016

With the start of a new school year we feel a new start in the life of the congregation as well.  People who’ve been away for the summer, or whose lives have just been too full with the demands and opportunities of summer, are “coming home.”  Our children’s and youth’s...

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Board News – September 2016

It’s Been a Hot Summer Karen Ransom, Board President I received an email from our Director of Administration and Finance on July 28th entitled “Office AC is…well…kaput!” The high temperature that day was 96°. The average high temperature from that day until August 24th when the air finally came back...

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