Thoughts on Stewardship – February 2017

Have you noticed it?  Have you seen all of the new faces, Sunday after Sunday, filling the sanctuary?  “I came because I’d heard about the Circle of Community you all had the night after the election,” one person has said.  “I find myself needing a community of people with whom...

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Questions for Consideration: Identity

As always, don’t treat these questions like “homework” or a list that needs to be covered in its entirety.  Instead, simply pick the one question that speaks to you most and let it lead you where you need to go. The goal of these questions is not to help you...

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Call on UU Women

Women are a powerful force in Unitarian Universalism.  Some observers believe they are the key to change through fundamental support for the UN “basics,” health, education, security, livelihood, and leadership. If you read Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dunn as I do (Half the Sky [2010] and A Path Appears...

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The Talk of TJMC – Islam was here at the beginning.

This is the text of a Letter to the Editor that I’ve submitted to the Daily Progress: Donald Trump’s recent executive order banning entry into the United States of “immigrants and nonimmigrants” from seven majority-Muslim countries is nothing more than he had promised he would do, and nothing less than...

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The Talk of TJMC – We welcome you…

During the Presidential campaign, then candidate Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the country.  To be “fair,” he has defended his ban as simply being a precautionary measure of banning for 90 days entry into the United States travelers from seven specific countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya,...

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Women’s March, Jan 21, 2017

THE WOMEN’S MARCH WAS AN AMAZING SUCCESS! The participation in cities around the country and the world far exceeded expectations.  We have gathered some photos of the event and welcome your additions.  Please forward them to:

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A Minister’s Musings: Doing Nothing …

This coming Friday — January 20th — is the day on which Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States.  There will be, not surprisingly, protests and demonstrations as well, but “the eyes of the world” will be on the West Lawn of the...

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A Minister’s Musings: A Day of Silence

In The Wizard of Earthsea wizard Ged inadvertently lets loose on the world a great evil.  He tries to undo his mistake, but the evil is too powerful for him.  And then it begins to chase him.  To hunt him.  And as Ged flees, his pursuer grows more powerful.  Eventually,...

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Workshop: Return to the Land of the Soul

A workshop for women & men based on the work of the Dream Quest Sunday, February 26 from 4-8 pm Join us for an afternoon/evening of song, meditation, art, writing practice and labyrinth walking. Utilizing exercises and meditations of the Women’s Dream Quest, we will enter into the land of...

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Words of Wikstrom – January 2017

What does it mean to be “a people of prophecy?”  That’s the question we’re looking at this month — what it means to say that Unitarian Universalists are “a people of prophecy,” that our movement is a “community of prophecy,” that you and I are part of a people of...

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