Art Show – April 2017

Janice Walker “Quilts as Art” I make art for the challenge of seeing what I can do next with my palette of commercially printed fabrics. The originally designed works are sewn using a layering process similar to quilting, but made to hang on the wall like fine art. After the initial design is constructed, I add additional color and...

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Words of Wikstrom – April 2017

This month’s theme is “transformation,” and as I sat to write I found myself curious about the difference between change and transformation.  The word change means, “to make or become different,” and it comes from the Old French changier, which means essentially the same thing.  Transformation is defined as, “a...

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The Talk of TJMC – Making an IMPACT

You haven’t heard much this year about IMPACT — the Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together.  IMPACT is an example of what’s known as a CBCO — congregation-based community organizing — and we have been actively involved since its founding.  We’ve had members serve on their Board, participate in...

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Remembering James Reeb

Unitarian Universalist minister James Reeb answered Dr. Martin Luther King’s call to Selma after the violent shutdown of voting rights protests. While there, Reeb was assaulted by white segregationists and died of head injuries two days later on March 11, 1965. In April, four men were indicted in Dallas County,...

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ROAD – Responsible Old Age and Death

With the first waves of the Baby Boomer tsunami lapping at our shores, the time is right for us to begin thinking about how to avoid the over-medicalization of death and aging, so our society doesn’t become bankrupt.  The popularity of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”, and Susan Jacoby’s “Never...

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Words of Wikstrom – March 2017

The theme for this month is risk, and it seems like that could be the theme for every month, doesn’t it?  Life is full of risks.  There are physical risks, of course.  We also face psycho-social risks, emotional risks, political risks, career risks … Even institutions live with, and in,...

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The Talk of TJMC – What Was Said and What Was Heard

Yesterday I preached a sermon which clearly had impact.  On the way out of the sanctuary a larger than usual number of people said that I’d really challenged them to think; others were quite clear that they wanted me to know that they disagreed (some quite vehemently) with what I’d...

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Connect-hers February 21: Spirit Animals Session

Ever wonder what sorts of wisdom animals have to share with you?  Heard about “Spirit Animals, Power Animals, Totems” on all those online quizzes and want to go a little deeper?   Kiara (KEER-uh) McCadden of Honey Sweet Harmony will facilitate a simultaneously playful and meaningful group experience in connecting with our Spirit Animal Guides at...

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Racial Justice Conference

Showing Up: A Racial Justice Conference for Youth and Adults March 10-12, 2017 at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Join us in taking the next steps in showing up for racial justice. We are excited about this upcoming training event sponsored by the Tidewater and Blue Ridge cluster of Unitarian Universalist...

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Words of Wikstrom – February 2017

Identity “Do you know who I am?  Do you know who you are?  See we one another clearly – do you know who we are?”  These questions are from Harry Belafonte’s lively song “Turn the World Around” (#1074 in Singing the Journey).  When he was the guest star on a...

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