Letter from the TJMC Board of Trustees

Dear Members and Friends of TJMC-UU, We are writing to you in response to the unacceptable racist act towards our Director of Administration and Finance, Christina Rivera. We are outraged. Our faith calls us to speak out against racism. Our first principle calls us to respect the inherent worth and...

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The Mirror Has Been Held Up. Are We Brave Enough To Look?

This is the text of the entire service held Wednesday evening, February 28, 2018.  It was to have been a service celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation — there was to have been a time for families together, a community dinner, a service of celebration, and …...

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Black Lives Matter Banner

Offerings in Support of BLUU

If we really want to make a difference, if we really want to see real change so that we can become who we know we need to be – as individuals, as congregations, and as a movement – then we need to not only appreciate those who have for far...

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We have work to do, Together

February 27, 2018 Dear Members and Friends of TJMC-UU, The following anonymous note was discovered on Monday in her office mailbox by Christina Rivera, our Director of Administration & Finance: This racist act is unacceptable. As Presidents of the Board of Trustees, Lead Minister, and Director of Faith Development, we...

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Committee on the Ministry – February 2018

As we say most Sunday mornings, “this is a lively community.”  And it is a growing community, as well.  The days when anyone could expect to know everyone are in a part of our past.  There is some loss in this, of course, yet also so much possibility.  Our courage,...

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The Talk of TJMC – On Being Useful

These are the Opening and Parting Words Lorie Craddock wrote for the service on Sunday, January 21, 2018 — “When There Are No Leaves Nor Fruit.” OPENING WORDS I’m coming to the end of my current stage of parenting.  My children are 16, 18 and 20 and they are either...

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Return to the Land of the Soul

A workshop for women and men based on the work of the Dream Quest Sunday February 25 from 4-8 pm Join us for an afternoon/evening of song, meditation, art, writing practice and labyrinth walking. Utilizing exercises and meditations of the Women’s Dream Quest, we will enter into the land of...

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Dream Quest for Women, Feb 23-24, 2018

Women of all ages (including young women 9th grade and up) are invited to our overnight Dream Quest Friday February 23 at 6pm through Saturday February 24 at 11am. Therapist, healer, musician, teacher and Dream Quest Facilitator Judith Tripp will travel from San Francisco to lead us in our ninth...

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Christmas Eve Services Sunday December 24

  10 AM  Multigenerational Worship led by Alex McGee We reflect together on the meaning of winter holidays and returning light. Extra singing and mindful movement for all ages. 4:30 PM  Multigenerational Interactive Nativity Service Arrive ready to participate or watch. The cast of this story can volunteer as the...

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Words of Wikstrom – December 2017

On Sunday, November 3rd, 2017, I spoke with the some of the children of our congregation.  Of course, the adults were welcomed to listen in, too. I told them a story — about getting lost on a hike and what it was that “grounded” me during that ordeal. I also...

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