A Minister’s Musings: A Review of AFTER THE GOOD NEWS

I recently had the privilege (and good fortune) of being asked to read and review the Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd’s new book, After the Good News:  progressive faith beyond optimism (Skinner House Books).  I was going to read it anyway — Nancy is one of my favorite Unitarian Universalist writers — so I was excited...

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SUUSI July 14-20 2019 in North Carolina

Registration is open until June 23 SUUSI will be held from July 14-20, 2019 at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. The theme for 2019 is “Sacred Spaces.” SUUSI is the Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute, an  intentional  community  of  UUs and kindred spirits. For over 65 years we have come...

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We Can’t Resist What We Refuse To Acknowledge

This week both Charlottesville and Albemarle High Schools were the target of online threats.  Parents were notified that the schools were taking precautions to keep our kids safe.  A spokeswoman for the city schools, “acknowledge[d] and condemn[ed] the fact that this threat was racially charged.”  “Racially charged” does not begin to...

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The Talk of TJMC – Do You Want to Make More of an IMPACT?

Last week I wrote a bit about the social justice ministry IMPACT (or, “Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together”).  I noted that it’s an example of congregation-based community organizing, a form of community organizing that leverages the power of faith communities (in which large groups of people are already gathered) to affect...

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The Talk of TJMC – Making an IMPACT

Every organization, every community, even families, over time develop language that makes perfect sense to those who know, yet which can be totally opaque to those who don’t.  Often a newcomer is able to pick up the meaning through context — like a new word you come across the meaning...

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Second Sunday Soup Lunch

Second Sunday Soup Lunch March 10 following the 11:15 service. Join your church friends for all the soup you can eat for a $5. Choose from vegan potato or turkey taco soup. All proceeds benefit the church’s general fund and go to help reduce our $17,000.00 (and growing) deficit. Thanks...

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Celebrate Purim

Celebrate the Jewish Festival of Purim Sunday March 24 after both services! The Gill family invites us to celebrate Purim or “The Feast of Lots” with them on Sunday March 24 during social hour after both services. Purim carnivals and celebrations come from the celebration of Esther “unmasking” herself to...

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Chili Cook-off & Bingo, Jan 26

Saturday January 26, 5-8 PM Who will be crowned this year’s UUsguys (TJMC’s men’s group) Chili Champion? There will be all kinds of chili options including vegan and vegetarian. Come taste the chili contenders and then cast your vote! Bring salad or cornbread to share. Dessert, beverages and chili provided....

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