A Pastoral Message from Rev. Linda

Today, January 6, 2021, the world has witnessed something happening in the United States that is shocking and unprecedented. US citizens, incited to violence by a dangerous leader who has lied to them, have made an attack on the heart of our democratic life. They invaded and violently occupied the...

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Newcomer Orientation, February 7 4PM

Are you new to our congregation or returning after a time away? Please join Rev. Linda Olson-Peebles, the Membership Committee, and Board Representative Beth Jaeger-Landis for a UUCharlottesville Newcomer Orientation on Sunday, February 7, at 4:00 to 5:30 pm. Join us on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96276224144 Meeting id: 96276224144 Call: 646-558-8656 Learn...

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Newcomer Orientation, Feb 7 4PM

Newcomers to our congregation are invited join us for the UUCharlottesville Newcomers Orientation on Sunday, February 7, at 4:00pm, hosted by Rev. Linda Olson-Peebles and the Membership Committee. This gathering is designed for those who are new or returning to UUCharlottesville: those who are new to UUism, those who are...

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Next Year’s Word

New Year’s is without a doubt the most meaningful winter holiday for me. As a religious humanist, none of the other winter holidays have ever really called to me. But to me there’s something almost magical about the chance for a fresh start. A new beginning. The start of a...

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New Name Task Force background information

Sodano’s group picked the name Harmony, a Unitarian Universalist Church. “We wanted to get on the radar of church shoppers, so we went with a modern one-word name,” she says. Other names considered were “Discovery” and “Beacon.”

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Order of Service: UU Christmas Eve 2020

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020 7pm UU Charlottesville via Zoom   ORDER OF SERVICE Prelude What Child is This Ollie & Parker Gill French Carol Ollie & Parker Gill Ode to Joy August Gastinger We Wish You a Merry Christmas  Ollie & Bryce Gill Silent Night Madeline Redick-Smith  Welcome   ...

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Every Moment is One

One of my favorite things about all the rituals and traditions attached to this time of year is the way they mess with time. My husband and son and I decorate our Christmas tree, and as we hang each ornament—the ones we brought from our parents’ houses and the ones...

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Christmas Eve Offering: Ministers’ Discretionary Fund

It is the tradition at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville to designate the Christmas Eve offering to replenish the Ministers’ Discretionary Fund. That fund is used by the ministers to assist with emergency needs in our congregation or neighborhood, to tide individuals over until more permanent assistance can be located.

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Prayers and Graces for Mealtimes

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything your goodness sends, Thank you! Adapted from a grace of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Reverend Phil Lund. Sung to the tune of “Praise God from Whom...

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