UUA Guidance for the Coming Months of the Pandemic

Read a letter from Rev. Susan Gray, UUA President, to Rev. Linda about this critical phase of the COVID pandemic. It will help guide our plans over the coming months. Dear Linda, This time last year, as the world was responding to the growing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, our...

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Renovation Reveal. Glenn Short Fund Progress on Sanctuary and Parlor

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”fnAvTP3KE64″ ] When Glenn Short passed away in September 2018, he had been a familiar face in our sanctuary and social hall for about 16 years. He enthusiastically participated in environmental and racial justice efforts both in church and in our community. He regularly attended congregational meetings and...

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President’s Report for March

Spring is finally here and there are more activities than ever at UUC! The Pledge Drive is in full swing and early reports are encouraging; the Garden and Grounds Committee has our campus looking lovely; the New Name Task Force will be announcing the results of their survey and hold...

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Luminarias for IMPACT on March 21st

As excitement builds for the March 25th Nehemiah Action, here’s how even our children can help our neighbors and families who struggle to find or keep an affordable place to live. LUMINARIAS! The IMPACT research committee recommends that on Sunday March 21, we light hundreds of luminarias around the community...

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We Are a Growing Congregation. Words from Rev. Leia

In this springtime season, I imagine our congregation as a garden. With new seeds being planted and each of us growing and blossoming in our own time. One of the things our UU faith requires of us is that we each must keep growing, learning, and seeking out deeper understandings...

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From the Edge of Peril: A Message from Rev. Linda

Selection from sermon by Rev. Linda Olson Peebles “Commitment to Be The Light” delivered March 7 UU Cville Community Worship 2021 Pledge Drive: “Be the Light” his is a pivotal moment for UUCville. You have been at the edge of real peril, real loss. But you have a strong will to...

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