Art Show – June 2017

June Art Show-Sara Gondwe (Opening-June 4th after church) Born in 1949 in Beaver Dam, WI, Ms. Gondwe earned a B.A. degree in Philosophy and a Masters degree in Education.  This earned her a career as a Reading Specialist for students in kindergarten through 12th grades.  She spearheaded both the Gettysburg...

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A Minister’s Musings: But I’m not a …

Yesterday I promised that I would return to one of the most frequent responses people who identify as white have to the use of the term “White Supremacy” as the way to describe the dominant culture in which we, to borrow a phrase, “live, and move, and have our being.’...

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A Minister’s Musings: Words, words, words …

During the years I served the First Universalist Church of Yarmouth, Maine, I regularly had lunch with a colleague from the United Church of Christ congregation across the street.  I don’t remember what prompted this particular exchange, but Peter once made the observation that Unitarian Universalists, as a whole, were...

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A Minister’s Musings: From Torches to Whispers …

According to my local paper, The Daily Progress, last night: “Several dozen torch-wielding protesters gathered in Charlottesville’s Lee Park just after 9 p.m. Saturday, chanting “You will not replace us,” “Russia is our friend” and “Blood and soil.”” Lee Park has been in our news a lot lately, since the...

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Ordination of Pamela K. Philips

We, the TJMC-UU and the UU Community Church, are delighted to invite you to attend the Ordination of Pamela K. Philips into the Unitarian Universalist ministry on Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 2 pm in the TJMC sanctuary.  A reception will follow in the Social Hall. Ordination is the act...

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Happy 5th Anniversary, Solar Panels!

Ever since I served as your President, I’ve wanted to continue the discussion about our solar panels.  Thanks to John Semmelhack’s expertise and industry, we have some facts to share.  Thanks to others “who were there,” we have some history and perspective to share.  So on Earth Day 2017, as...

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Art Show – May 2017

Then and There I called out letters blurred and less blurred. My eyes were examined. Machines and I agree. I can see the written page, the threading needle, the paved road. I look and look for, but what I can’t see is the later, the after this. I am blind...

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The Talk of TJMC – Current Events in the UUA

On Current Events in the UUA, and the Recognition of White Supremacy Before beginning the annual IMPACT service on April 9th, 2017, I spoke briefly to the current events and conversation(s) going on within our wider Association.  This post from the Youth and Young Adult Ministry’s blog Blue Boat, “Reflections on White...

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