Words of Wikstrom – August 2017

As I write, the visit of the Klu Klux Klan is about a week behind me, and I am about to leave Charlottesville for two weeks of vacation.  (My family and I are driving up to Maine to visit for the first time since we all left more than a...

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Next Steps Weekend, August 25-27, 2017

We are excited to welcome Mark Ewert, UU Stewardship consultant, to TJMCUU August 25-27, 2017 for a Next Steps Weekend (NSW).  The NSW will provide a review of our financial situation and stewardship potential and give us feedback and guidance on where we can go forward as a congregation. The...

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Weaving Worship Together

For years it has been our practice for a team of lay people to work collaboratively with our ordained clergy in both creating and facilitating our Sunday morning worship experiences in the sanctuary.  Maybe you have felt called to this ministry, yet don’t feel comfortable speaking in front of groups...

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Next Steps Weekend: August 25-27, 2017

Our TJMCUU Board has engaged Mark Ewert, a UU Stewardship consultant, to undertake a review of our financial situation and stewardship potential during a Next Steps Weekend (NSW), August 25-27, 2017. The NSW is the first step in effectively utilizing a consultant to support our goals and aspirations as a...

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President’s report – July 2017

I write this report while attending my first UU General Assembly a few days shy of beginning my term as president of the TJMC Board of Trustees. It’s been an interesting week of inspiring services, making some new friends, and installing a new UUA president after a tumultuous three months...

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Words of Wikstrom – July 2017

Whether we’re thinking about our current national political and cultural realities, the mood of our Association, recent events in our city, or even the state of things within our own congregation, many of us are decrying what seems to be a deepening sense of division, of separation.  The classic question,...

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The Talk of TJMC – I Invite you…

There has been a lot of discussion, and some confusion, about what is happening tomorrow to respond to the presence of the Klan in our city.  There are lists of choices for you to consider.  Some have seen this as a sign of disunity, a disturbing demonstration of our inability...

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The Talk of TJMC – Standing Firm – Moving Forward Together

Summer of 2017: This is the official statement of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective, outlining the response(s) planned by many of the faith communities in C’ville.  (The list of signatories is at the end.)  Over the next several days I will post more information, both practical and theological. The Charlottesville Clergy Collective is...

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A Minister’s Musings: To sing not enough …

Yesterday morning I joined with a group of people in a park in downtown Charlottesville.  The park has been getting a lot of attention lately, both locally and in the national media, because of an effort to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee which stands so prominently in its...

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