National Coming Out Day

Today is the 30th annual National Coming Out Day. Many congregations acknowledge this day in one way or another, with services, readings, or social justice projects.

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The Talk of TJMC – (October 2018, Inheritance)

Spiritual Exercises This month these suggested spiritual exercise are directly linked with the months Questions to Consider. Usually, we’re invited to look at the Questions and see where they take us intellectually or emotionally.  This month we are asked to let the questions lead us into action–into some real-life action...

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nUUts & bolts Stewardship

9-20-2018 Getting the Social Hall Doors Locked! Here’s a quick tip on getting the Social Hall Door to lock during this wicked spell of humidity!     ***************** Water! Many of us know about the ongoing issues of water intrusion in older buildings. Our church buildings are not exempt from...

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The Talk of TJMC – Video Resources (September 2018 — Kinship)

Here are three videos you might consider watching as yet another way of engaging with this month’s theme.  [Note: A Lesson in Empathy was suggested as part of thhis month’s Spiritual Exercises, and Compassion and Kinship looks at the man (and the mission) behind the book Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion that...

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Circle Dinners October 11-13

Circle Dinners are coming the weekend of October 11-13. These are a chance for newcomers and longtime members to mingle at a small potluck dinner in congregants’ homes for a meal, conversation, and fun. Hosts are: Adam Slate & Kim Grover 6:30 on October 11 Valerie & Ken Chasen 6:00...

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