New Director of Administration and Finance

Hello TJMC-UU family! My name is Sean Skally and I am your new Director of Administration and Finance. First, I want to express my gratitude and thanks to the Board of Trustees for hiring me. I hope to live up to the time and effort they put in to hiring...

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Intergenerational Services & Story Sunday Schedule

Special Services 2019 Intergenerational services provide the opportunity for all ages to gather together in the sanctuary with music, stories and shared messages. Please make note of these special dates.    Sunday, October 6th: Story Sunday. Kindergarten – 5th graders will gather in the sanctuary for a shared story experience...

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Glenn Short Capital Endowment Fund

Our congregation honors Glenn Short, who cared so deeply for our church. Glenn was born in Rochester, New York on August 8, 1924. He was the son of Ralph Bishop Short and Minnie Pauline Berner. He was preceded in death by his wife Carmen Cobena. Glenn was an undergraduate at...

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Announcements Sunday, September 14

Please consider printing one (or more) large-print copies of these announcements to bring with you on Sunday morning.   Cut and paste all of this from here into your word processor, and then increase the font size to 16 or 18 pt.  This will help our members and friends who have vision challenges. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2019...

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Caroline Heins

Do You Know Caroline Heins?

Last week we said goodbye to Wendy Steeves, Office Assistant, as she embarks on her next chapter at Wesley Theological Seminary. Now we are grateful to announce that Caroline Heins has agreed to serve as Office Assistant for a 3 month period (Sept-Nov). This will allow for the new DAF...

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Congregational Meeting September 15, 2019

There will be a very important Congregational Meeting in the TJMC-UU Sanctuary on September 15, 2019 following the Sunday Service. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Download meeting documents here At this Congregational Meeting in addition to acknowledging and approving different reports and minutes, there are four major items...

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Job Opening: Director of Administration and Finance

  The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church-Unitarian Universalist Church seeks a Director of Administration and Finance. This position manages administrative and financial matters for the church in cooperation with the lead minister, director of faith development, treasurer, the board and church committees. It is a 30-hour a week exempt position at...

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Black Lives Matter Banner

Potluck Supper to Support our Black Lives Matter Sign

Friday July 19th at 6pm Come to the potluck this Friday at 6pm in the Social Hall in support of the Black Lives Matter sign that hangs in our sanctuary, which has been anonymously vandalized several times recently. Families, partners, & friends are welcome. Plan either to come early (5:30)...

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A Minister’s Musings: It’s Time For a Change

Thursday, June 06, 2019 I submitted the following Letter to the Editor in response to the article in The Daily Progress on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, “City considers nixing Jefferson’s birthday observation.” I want to thank Mayor Walker for proposing that we stop celebrating Thomas Jefferson’s birthday in April, but,...

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