August Art Show: Bennett Curtis

Bennett Curtis experienced the world, essentially as an artist. He experienced that quality in different ways. Classical music was a great inspiration. After listening to many versions of the same piece of music, Bennett carefully chose the one he considered to be the best rendition. He listened to the collection...

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Letters from Sean

On January 12th, 2007 my mother passed away from liver cancer. I had just returned to Virginia after visiting with my parents in Florida when my sister called with the news. My mother had been declining for a while so we knew it was coming. During my visit, I was...

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July Social Action Collection: Back To School Bash

The social action collection for July is for Back to School Bash Donate here Every August the African American Pastors Council, Charlottesville City Schools, Albemarle County Schools, City of Promise, and the City of Charlottesville join with contributors and volunteers from a number of local churches and organizations to provide...

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CareNet & Covid: High Touch in a High Tech Environment

For purposes of responding to the Covid pandemic, temporary changes were made to expand the services of CareNet, which were intended to continue for the duration of the pandemic. In mid-March a group of TJMC folks came together under circumstances that none could have envisioned a mere several weeks prior....

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Board Appoints Name Change Task Force

TJMC-UU Board of Trustees Votes Unanimously To Create Name Change Task Force We, the Board of Trustees, acting in accordance with leadership roles at TJMC-UU, and in loving support of the increased awareness of, and efforts to dismantle, the systemic racism which plagues our community and our nation, have voted...

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When Can Church Open Again?

Dear Beloved Community As always, our congregation seeks to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the group, and we balance covenant with policy. The pandemic has been a time of rapid change and confusion for many organizations, including ours. Our staff has been focused on keeping...

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Starting June 29 and running through the August 30 everyone is welcome to participate in our summer faith development activities! Our program is intentionally designed to include all ages– children, youth, adults, families, households and individuals. This nine-week series includes different themes to explore each week with specific activities. A...

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Board Meeting Thursday 06/18

Because our usual Board meeting would be on Wednesday the 25th, and this conflicts with General Assembly this year, the June Board meeting has been moved to Thursday, June 18, at 6pm. Link to Board Meeting Draft Agenda for the 6/18 Board Meeting

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Letters from our Board President, Lorie Craddock

President’s June Report to the Board The past few months have been a race to create and implement systems to keep the church running during this time of unexpected developments and sweeping change. How to offer Sunday Worship? How to maintain budget and payroll? How to be in a ZoomMeeting...

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