Wreath Making Party

Our outdoor wreath making party  on Saturday, December 5 was just wonderful this year.  It was quite different from our traditional holiday party since we were socially distanced and outdoors.  Even though we weren’t able to have lots of craft options and holiday treats, we were warmed through the fellowship...

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In Faith and With Love

As we move into this holiday season, I am grateful to have the ministry theme of “stillness” as our guide. There is so much swirling around — the pandemic and the toll it has taken, racial injustice and the continuous ways it manifests in our communities, widespread economic stress and...

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New Name Task Force: Our Charge & Timeline

Charge for New Name Task Force: The New Name Task Force will be made up of Sharon Utz, Sachim Mehta, Debby Norton, Hayley Owens, Bonnie Hansen and Elizabeth Breeden.  The Task Force is charged with using an inclusive and democratic process for our congregation to choose a new name.  Our...

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Stillness Through Self-care

“Don’t just do something, sit there!” Too often, when confronted with a challenge (within or without), we scramble to do something, anything! It feels better in the moment to match turbulence with turbulence.  But stillness is often a good and valid response. Stillness is not inaction; it is the making...

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Women’s Dream Quest 2021 (virtual event)

Save the date for our annual Women’s Dream Quest!  We will gather online for this special retreat with Judith Tripp on Friday February 26 (6-9PM) and Saturday February 27 (8-11AM.) More details and registration coming soon! Fee is $50 (sliding scale–more if you can, less if you can’t.)

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Winter Solstice Lantern Walk

We invite you to create a new holiday tradition to celebrate the Winter Solstice and mark the return of the light.  We will host a drive-by solstice event between 5:30 – 7:00 PM on Sunday December 20 by the Edgewood Lane entrance of the church building.  A special gift bag...

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Upcoming Grounds and Garden Parties

JOIN A WORK PARTY We are weeding, pruning and removing invasive species. Most of all we enjoy each others company in that social distancing way! Join a work party on Wednesdays, Dec 2nd, 9th and 16th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm, weather permitting. PAINTERS NEEDED Sign on to a painting team...

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Rev. Linda is inviting church members who have felt hurt or troubled by the difficult experiences in this congregation over the past few years to come together to check in.  In a small circle of listening (on Zoom), facilitated by Rev. Linda, you can let others hear how you are...

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