Ancestor Sunday, October 30

On Sunday, October 30, we will share our annual Ancestor Sunday service. You are invited to bring photographs or other mementos of loved ones (people and beloved animals) who have died for our Ancestors’ Altar. Those planning to join on Zoom are invited to email photographs to Rev. Tim at...

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Elders Garden Party 2022

The Garden Party honoring the Elders on Saturday, October 8th was a resounding success. Thank you to all who helped host, give rides, prepare food and flowers and even those who attended.  When we get together, we can’t help but create the village to which we are so honored to...

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Board of Trustees Meeting – September 28, 2022

The Board of Trustees met on Wednesday evening in a hybrid format. The Board heard updates from the Building Use Task Force, which included encouraging news on the Covid front locally. However, the Task Force has recommended no change to current policy as we continue to balance our desire to...

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IMPACT house meetings!

Hayley Owens and Kelsey Cowger want to invite you to join us for one of four IMPACT house meetings! IMPACT is the largest interfaith organization in Virginia, and  is one of the most important ways that UU Cville pursues justice in the community.  If you’d like to learn more about...

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October Art Show: Katharine Maus

In 2020, like many others, I found my social life, volunteer activities, and usual hobbies on hold. I’ve always loved to draw but had never had any formal training, so I decided to use this unanticipated chunk of “empty time” to enroll in an online class in realist oil painting....

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The Hospitality Committee is looking for a few good people— Do your friends and family describe you as a “foodie”?  Is the kitchen your favorite room in any house?  Do your conversations flow better if you have a cup of coffee or tea in your hand?  Then the Hospitality Committee...

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Tim’s Musings

September 2022 What a wonderful first month I’ve had at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville! So many of you have welcomed me warmly and every day I’m meeting new people. Of course, I’m the one who is new and most of you have been part of this congregation for much...

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