FOCUS: Who Are We?

One of the things I love most about being a Unitarian Universalist is that we are always questioning, exploring, and learning. Some of the questions we are always seeking to answer include “Who Are We?” “What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist?” and “How can we turn our...

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President’s Report to the Board, December 2023

One of the many things I love about being a Unitarian Universalist is that I get so many opportunities to expand my understanding of the world and myself.  When I listen to people talk about ideas that are new to me, I often find that I have been thinking in...

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Support the Porch!

Wait! What? Support the Porch? Tell me more…. Certainly. This message is also about The porch foundation of our heavily used Summit House requires our care and financial investment. A column supporting the corner of the porch is twisted. Upon inspection by three separate licensed building contractors, it has been...

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Board of Trustees October 25th, 2023 Meeting Highlights

Highlights from the Meeting: The Buildings Committee and the Board discussed the needed repairs to the Summit House porch and ramps. The Board approved using $15,000 in Endowment Funds and $12,000 in Capital Reserve Funds for the project, currently estimated at a cost of $38,000. A fundraising campaign will be...

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Grant Us Peace the Mission of PACEM

Jayson Whitehead Executive Director at PACEM   This year we host PACEM for the men from November 11 to 25 and the women from November 25 to December 9, 2023.  Other congregations will feed our guests for the first three weeks. We partner with Ebenezer Baptist Church to feed our...

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September 2023 Board Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on Zoom. We enjoyed having several guests at this meeting.  Stephen Blair made the suggestion to replace the Marriage Equality banner in front of the church that is getting weathered.  Elizabeth Breeden and Lorie Craddock presented Capital Projects Report ideas for...

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President’s Report to the Board: September 2023

At our Board Retreat in September, I started to see how our strategic plan can lead to an even stronger Social and Environmental Justice movement in our congregation. Rev Tim explained how groups can move to working on the upstream causes of suffering and injustice while continuing to work on...

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Message From Rev. Tim

Is it just me, or was last Sunday at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville something special?  We had over 180 in attendance (both in person and online) at the worship service and the Service Fair was buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. What a fabulous way to begin a new church...

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President’s Report: August 2023

President’s Report to the Board: August 2023 As the new school year begins, I feel like there is increasing energy to take a new look at the big picture of UUCville Congregational life. It is a time for taking a comprehensive look at all that we do, how we do...

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