I myself got a casserole when my husband David had one of his heart valve replacements. Relative strangers offering food committed me to this community and the idea of creating a village of faith.
—Elizabeth Breeden

Over twenty years ago, a caring group of folks at UUCville recognized that life can become overwhelming and unexpected events like hospitalization, illness, or the arrival of a new baby can make it challenging to cope. From a loose group of individuals who would phone each other to arrange a meal to be delivered when someone was in crisis, CareNet was born. CareNet’s primary purpose is to provide meals temporarily for our church members and friends during troubled times.
Our CareNet team is led by Co-chairs Lara Call Gastinger and Sandy Brooks, who contact the person/family to obtain specific meal details—number of persons, length of need, etc. Using a sign-up software program, an email is sent to the CareNet Team. The team is comprised of volunteers who love to cook and those who don’t, but who love to provide takeout meals to those in need.
When a meal request is sent out, there is no obligation to “sign up”. We understand that timing is important and that sometimes a request may not align with the hectic schedules of our dedicated team of volunteers. Occasionally, team members will work together to provide a meal or to purchase a take-out meal. We just ask that everyone do what they can when they can.

The act of providing nutritious meals during troubled times is the ultimate expression of compassion and love and is an embodiment of our UU values.
If you would like to join the CareNet Team or learn more specifics, contact Lara and Sandy at
Our covenant group spent an evening cooking big batches of kale sausage soup and a lentil coconut soup. We stirred love into the soups and it feels spiritually fulfilling to know we are feeding our community.
—The Spiritual Mamas Covenant Group

When our niece underwent emergency surgery, words cannot adequately convey the gratitude of our family to the CareNet team for arranging and providing homemade meals to be delivered to her starting the day she returned home. The knowledge that mealtime was taken care of brought immense relief to her. She and her girls loved everything that was delivered. This act of love and kindness by the CareNet team members speaks volumes of the spirit and generosity of our Congregation and for that, we are so deeply thankful.
—Jude and Kay
If you are struggling or simply need someone to talk to, reach out to Rev. Tim or to the Pastoral Care Team in person on Sunday mornings or online at We are here and we care. Click here for more information.