Call for Nominations – Revenue Task Force

Building rentals, fundraisers, and Scrip are just some of the ways TJMC brings in needed revenue to support ourselves as the beacon of UUism that we envision. In an effort to maximize these revenue streams, to initiate new efforts, and to strengthen our church’s financial health, the TJMC Board of Trustees has initiated a Revenue Task Force. We are looking for interested congregants to help in this effort. The Task Force will evaluate current revenue-producing programs, and also brainstorm, prioritize, and plan for future ones.  If you have interest and/or a background in revenue generation, please consider nominating yourself or someone else from our congregation to assist us on this important Task Force.  This is a one-year commitment.  For more information and nominations, please contact David Mick, at, by April 15th. For nominees, please include name, contact email and phone, and a brief statement about background and interest.