Building Reopening March 20, 2022


The UUCville Board of Trustees is thankful to announce that our building will be reopening on Sunday March 20, 2022.

We are thrilled to welcome people back to the sanctuary for the 11 AM Community Worship Service for all who are fully vaccinated and wearing effective masks. There will be limited seating (no reservations are being required), with overflow in the Social Hall, maintaining 6 feet of separation while inside.  Any food or drink will be outdoors only.

Faith Development activities for children and families will continue to be held outside from 9:30 to 10:30 Sunday mornings. We will also be open for other activities beginning the week following March 20.

The building task force recommends that we observe safety procedures when we are together and the Board has approved these.

Board Letter about COVID Safety Protocols

Building Task Force reopening recommendations 2022-03-04